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2000 Blues

ZZ Top

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1990 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

A hundred thousand dollars
wouldn't touch the price I paid
of the hundred thousand moments
of the times I wish I'd stayed.
But even if I had all the time and money,
it's still the same old news.
Nothin' does you any good
when you got 2000 blues.

Ten thousand clouds
on a rainy rainy day
couldn't wash away
all the dust and the haze.
But I tried and I tried
to search for all the clues,
why I can't wash away
these 2000 blues.

If I had an airplane
with a co-pilot too,
I'd fly to a planet
that was closest to you.
I'd set the tracking system
with your safety fuse,
and set the countdown
for 2000 blues.

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

A hundred thousand dollars
wouldn't touch the price I paid
of the hundred thousand moments
of the times I wish I'd stayed.
But even if I had all the time and money,
it's still the same old news.
Nothin' does you any good
when you got 2000 blues.

Ten thousand clouds
on a rainy rainy day
couldn't wash away
all the dust and the haze.
But I tried and I tried
to search for all the clues,
why I can't wash away
these 2000 blues.

If I had an airplane
with a co-pilot too,
I'd fly to a planet
that was closest to you.
I'd set the tracking system
with your safety fuse,
and set the countdown
for 2000 blues.

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