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City of Turin

Michael Nyman

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Rimtoji muzika
Data: 2009 m.

City of Turin

I can't go home
I hate it hear
The wind gets through
The flimsy things they make me wear
Nobody hear wants to hear
The truth of how it's been
For a girl on the street
In the city of Turin

After dark in Valentino Park
They took away my passport
And left a scar
And my friend died
Because she couldn't lie
Truth is a sin on the street
In the city of Turin

They make me rent the spot on which I stand
They make me pay for this clothing and
I feel abandoned in this foggy land
In this city called Turin

I wave at cars
To get inside
Just to keep warm
I let him treat me like a wife
If I remember just how I have survived
I can take it in, in a car, in a street, in the city of Turin

Days in the desert without water and
Crammed in a truck and dragged overland
We numbered more at the beginning than
Since we reached where the rivers meet
In the city called Turin

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Esamas tekstas

City of Turin

I can't go home
I hate it hear
The wind gets through
The flimsy things they make me wear
Nobody hear wants to hear
The truth of how it's been
For a girl on the street
In the city of Turin

After dark in Valentino Park
They took away my passport
And left a scar
And my friend died
Because she couldn't lie
Truth is a sin on the street
In the city of Turin

They make me rent the spot on which I stand
They make me pay for this clothing and
I feel abandoned in this foggy land
In this city called Turin

I wave at cars
To get inside
Just to keep warm
I let him treat me like a wife
If I remember just how I have survived
I can take it in, in a car, in a street, in the city of Turin

Days in the desert without water and
Crammed in a truck and dragged overland
We numbered more at the beginning than
Since we reached where the rivers meet
In the city called Turin

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